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07 August, 2012

Overheard in the Souk!!!!

I always enjoy reading the Overheard in the Souk section which comes in the Arab times (once every week). That is something every eye should see!!! It describes the Kuwait situations, lifestyle, common people worries, expatriates probs etc

This time, there is something different which caught my attention!

It's nothing other than the Bloggers... Guess you need to go through the below article!!!!

It says ... Bloggers in Kuwait have been sprouting like mushrooms (nice phrase). But the article emphasizes on the fact that the bloggers should use proper grammar and not just use words from Thesaurus (which is now everyone's best friend).

It states - Be straight, convey the message in proper language!!! Don't try to imitate & be somebody ... but be the real self.

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