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Passed one of the important exams of my career.

Thanking God for enabling me to pass one of the exams for Power engineering.  Two more to go !!!!! 

28 August, 2011

Killerrrrrrrrrrrr English :)

Principal to student... : " Tomorrow call your parents especially mother and
 (Any other options???)
 ************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ***
 Class teacher once said :

 "Pick up the paper and fall in the dustbin!!!"
 (Who??? paper or student???)

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 Once Hindi teacher said...."I'm going out of the world to America..."

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 Don't laugh at the back benches...otherwise teeth and all will be fallen
 (Grrr....this person needs Basic Communication Skills Class Room Training)

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 It was very hot in the afternoon when the teacher entered. She tried to
 switch the fan on, but there was some problem. And then she said

 "why is fan not oning" (ing form of on)
 (New Discovery)

 ************ ********* ********* ********* ****

 Teacher in a furious mood...

 Write down your name and father of your name!!
 (Excuse me...)

 ************ ********* ********* ********* ****

 "Shhh... quiet... the principal is revolving around college"
 (Gr8...is he a satellite or sumthing???)

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 "I'll illustrate what I have in my mind" said the professor and erased the
(What an illustration...I like this professor)

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 "Will you hang that calendar or else I'll HANG MYSELF"
 (Well, you can proceed, would U like to leave a note behind as well...)

 ************ ********* ********* ************ *

 (That will be better....)

 ************ ********* ********* ********* ****

 Chemistry HOD comes and tells us...

 "My aim is to study my son and marry my daughter"
 (No Comments...!!!)

 ************ ********* ********* ********* ****

 "Why are you looking at the monkeys outside when I am in the class?!"
 (Because we want to check similarities :-) )

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 Seeing the principal passing by, the teacher told the noisy class,
 "Keep quiet, the principal has passed away"
 (2 minz of silence)
  Master to his students "Do you know? I have 2 daughters. Both are girls!!!"
 (You need some counselling dude...)
 Hindi master to his students by pointing his scooter that is parked under a
 "See there.My scooter is understanding the tree!!!"
 (Wow... )*
 master rocks again,
 "Okay guys, all of you stand in a straight circle!"
 (Wow what an oxymoron...)

Hope of of you enjoyed , the same way I did :)

Marble Cake :)

Cooking is something I love to do ... But not everyday :)

But if I get into the spirit of cooking , then something real good will pop up :)

Well, Yesterday I decided to bake the Marble cake. Outcome as below:

Marble cake that I baked :D
Blissful :) 

Few More pics of the Stall No 181 - Sharq Fish market

Adding few more pics which I clicked during that day!

Blissful :)

Had a Wonderful Friday :)

Today morning, went for the church service. Had a good time worshiping the Lord Almighty. We started with English Service and we just have 2 - 3 families. But it's the promise of the Lord that we will have many more to come & be blessed. 

After that we went over to the Sharq Fish market. Had few rounds of walk inside and finally ended up in buying for my other cousins too :). Have to go with my mom as she takes out her bargaining skills :) 

I would always recommend you to visit the stall no 181 as they always provide very good discount! They are very nice in nature & they explain every tiny bit in detail!!!

We cannot imagine a life without having fish .. :) I just love to have Rice with Fish curry .. That's my favorite!!! 

Now going to Have Dinner. What's special today??? hmmm,,, Its Kanji (for those who do not know what Kanji is ... I have explained it below :) 

Kanji is a type of rice porridge popular in Kerala. It can be eaten alone or served with a side dish (Like Pickle, Papad etc). It is always a thick porridge or soup of rice which has usually disintegrated after prolonged cooking in water.
To prepare the dish, rice is boiled in large amounts of water until it softens significantly. Kanji can be made in a pot or in a rice cooker
In some cultures, Kanji is eaten primarily as a breakfast food or late supper; in others, it is eaten as a substitute for rice at other meals. It is often considered particularly suitable for the sick as a mild, easily digestible food. 

For us, we just love to have Kanji in our house :) 

That's all for now ... Take Care & God Bless!!!!!!! 

25 August, 2011


The best Mathematical Equation I came across !!!!
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
Thank You Jesus for your undeserved grace on us !!!!

Infinite Driver - Contest!!!!!

Infinite Driver has decided to conduct a contest where he will be giving away a John’s mobile phone for the winner. 

Now what are you waiting for?? Shoot your mobile phone in an artistic or comedic way and submit it before the 31st of August!!!!!

More info on his site [Website]

God is in Control !!!! :)

God is in Control !!!! - That thought is required to start a Day :)

Blissful - Life unfolded in few words!!!

Car keys :)

Was thinking what to put forward on my next post & then suddenly I see my Car keys smiling at me :)
(As though, plz take my picture :) .... So voila, decided to put in a picture itself :)

Proudly presenting the Car keys of Blissful :)

Blissful - Life unfolded in few words

Just A Small Introduction :)

Let me take this oppurtunity to thank each & everyone of you who takes the valuable time in going through the posts... !

Quick introduction of Myself... :)

Born & Raised in Kuwait till the 12th Standard (Excluding the invasion where I had to spent my life in Kerala for 2 / 3 years). Soon after +2, did my Engg in Kerala in one of the best IHRD (Institute of Human Resources Development) colleges. After the graduation, returned back to Kuwait (Home Country) to take up the career!!!!

Now blessed with 5 years of marriage and a 2.5 year old Son :)

Just thanking God for all the blessings in life and you will get to know my simple life which will be unfolded in few words !!!!

Blissful !!

Today - Marks the first day of blogging :) (25/08/2011)

Good morning to all :)

Today, marks the first day of blogging! I thought several times "Am I able to do this" ??? Well, took the start as always I require a push to move in life !!!!

Just arrived to Office & within the next few minutes "will be drowning myself in Work :( " Here we have ramadan timings, so work starts from 8:30 to 3:00. This is gonna end soon within the next week :(

I feel great in putting down my thoughts and hope to continue further ... :)

Take Care & God bless u all!!!

Blissful - Life unfolded in few words.